Thread: Fast Food...
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Old 07-27-2006, 05:23 AM   #1
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 1
Fast Food...

On this night, after a long day at work, I decided to treat myself to McDonald's for dinner. Preferrably, I avoid going there other than to get an ice cream or two on occasion, but tonight my hunger pains just couldn't bare to pass down food that was quick.

I ordered me a quarter pounder meal with a root beer and a strawberry sundae. When I got home, I opened my package to find that the lovely worker gave me a double quarter pounder instead. Score! As hungry as I was, I thought I'd give it a shot and eat it all. What a big mistake that was.

If you can handle eating a whole double quarter pounder meal without getting that sick feeling, possibly from all that fat the seeps within, then right on.. You are officially a fast food junky. But at this point, my strawberry sundae does not sound appetizing at the moment.

Arrr.... damn her. Just..... damn her!

I was looking forward to the ice cream too.
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